United with our nonprofit partners, local foundations, businesses, media and educational organizations, we have launched the United for our Counties COVID-19 Fund to identify and support the emerging and fast-changing needs of health and human services organizations, faith based, county and city agencies, and the individuals and families they serve.
The Fund is designed to complement the work of regional public health officials and expand local capacity to address the outbreak as efficiently as possible and will provide support to areas of the highest needs in our community. It is designed to adapt for the most pressing needs in our two-county region as they evolve in real time. Your community needs funding that is available and strive to meet a fast-changing environment that health and human service organizations are facing right now.
Agencies Seeking Funding
Funding will be available for nonprofits, faith-based organizations, county and city agencies providing immediate response to meet basic needs of those impacted by COVID-19. Your agency must be in good standing with the State of Arizona. Your agency must serve clients from either Graham or Greenlee Counties.
Click Here for Application
Please forward fund applications to the attention of Adam O’Doherty (adam.odoherty@uwggc.com) or Shaylee Richards (shaylee.richards@uwggc.com).
Additional Resources
For current information and questions regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) check with Greenlee County Health Daprtment, Graham County Health Department, or U.S Center for Disease Control and Prevention