We are so excited to present this check for $49,592 to the Greenlee County Health Department partnering with the U of A Extension Office to put in a commercial kitchen.
In 2018, Greenlee County built a new South Annex in the Duncan area. Part of the new building houses the U of A Extension Office. The kitchen facility at the U of A Extension Office in Duncan. This kitchen will them the tools to educate the community on food preparation techniques and healthier lifestyles, through better nutrition. The kitchen will be a place to teach classes and foster learning about food and how food affects health.
“In 2011, Greenlee County was the most obese county in the State of Arizona. Through community efforts and community grants, many from the United Way of Graham and Greenlee Counties, our County obesity rate had dropped from 36% in 2011 to 29.6 percent in 2019. Greenlee is now in the top half of the State for obesity, and is on track to be the fittest County in the State of Arizona if we can keep our momentum. Increased physical activity and better nutrition has been the community focus that has lead to these results. It is precisely projects like this kitchen projects that have made all the difference.” say Matt Bolinger with The Greenlee County Health Department
We are so proud of the work you are all doing and can not wait to update everyone on how the project is coming along!